Hofested six dimension

– Power distance (PDI):

This dimension showed how people belong or comfortable in a specific culture in their community they are not on the same level that mean everyone is in a different level, power is spread unequally. The United Arab Emirates scores high on power distance it was 90%, it means the people in UAE are equal which mean they accept the hierarchical order and they do what they ordered.
– Individualism

This dimension concentration on relationship between the individual and big social group. The graph shows that UAE scored 25% inIndividualism, it shows that the people in UAE law rights depend on the group and relatives preferred in hiring also hiring and promotion take in-group status into account.

UAE have scored 50 in this dimension that they can be considered to be neither masculine or feminine but in masculine is high that mean the society driven by power and competition to achieving and successful starts in school and throughout public life but the feminine are caring for others and have an quality life .

-Uncertainty Avoidance

UAE have scored 80 in this dimension and it’s fact a high predilection for avoiding uncertainty and other countries have high uncertainty avoidance maintain codes of belief and behavior .However, people have inner to refuse to be working hard and punctuality are the norm and security is important in individual motivation.

-Long Term Orientation

is how a society keeps its traditions while the world changes. Normative societies score low because the keep their traditions. Societies that score high usually change to get ready for the future.


is when a society has weak control over their desire based on their childhood. The opposite of indulgence is restraint where people are strongly socialised to control their.

The Hofstede center.(2015)compare countries.retrieved from http://geert-hofstede.com/arab-emirates. html,may 15, 2015


A Reflection on the Cultural Dimensions


This paper is a self reflection that has its basis on the results of the cultural mapping profile with an aim of providing answers to the following questions to provide accurate measures on cultural preferences in daily interactions.
What results did you expect to see?
For outlook, communication, connecting, context and status, there were high possibilities and expecting that the four dimensions would strike a balance by having an equal number of people on both ends. Since the world has become full with individuals in pursuit of success maintaining global competence, it is expected most people would want to create a balance of the cultural dimensions on their way up the social ladder. Growth, relationship, destiny, expression, decision making, planning and accountability dimensions had increased chances of having mass on one end. This is attributed to the different opinions of individuals with a number of individuals being on the positive side of the dimensions. Priority of the 12 dimensions and comfortability of individuals are expected in order to create a primary driver in day to day activities and relating to culture as well. Lastly, it was necessarily expected that the results of the unbalanced cultural dimensions will be brought about by the idea of voicing an opinion that is different from a certain group, community or an individual’s background (The Cultural Dimension Results Supporting file, pdf).
What dimension would you wish to change?
Decision making. Decision making process is governed by two opposite poles, which creates a competition between “rule based” and “relationship based” decision making. A Decision should be more of relationship oriented where rules serve relationships. Making a decision should be guided mainly by relationships because good relationships are more valued than making decisions based on the rule application. In as much as an individual is expected to stand on their rules when it comes to decision making, an individual should understand that rules have their place and therefore should not be enforced in making life decisions. Building trust through the decision making enables an individual to maintain existing relationships while making the right decisions as well. It is extremely important to consider relationship when making decisions in order to create a strong bond in commitment between colleagues. To avoid mass on one side of the decision making process, balance should be achieved in an intercultural environment in order to create healthy tension between rules based decision making and relation based decision making for success (The Cultural Dimension Results Supporting file, pdf).
What to do to improve cultural awareness?​
On growth, cultural awareness can be done by conducting learning programs to appreciate the views of those who are people oriented version of growth. Individuals should be taught on the importance of balancing the need for incorporating relations by being both universal and situational oriented to avoid individual confusion. Outlook of success and view of destiny should be created as a belief in the community that the future holds a greater value than that of the past and one is in control of their own destiny though it is important to educate individuals on unchangeable external forces that affect destiny. Communities should be taught on how to build relations on an informal environment with limited procedures to attain comfortability though appreciating those who value formal relationships, balancing between inclusive and exclusive connections depending on the situation at hand. Emotions, planning, communication and decision making are also important aspects that should be done by coming up with a priority list. Lastly, sensitization on achievement of status and accountability should be described using a model to emphasize more on accountability to oneself and achievement of status in an achieved position (The Cultural Dimension Results Supporting file, pdf).
A dimension in which the results were a surprise?​
Accountability to others. It was not according to my expectation that accountability would have a shift towards being individual oriented compared to being community oriented. Since the community has high expectations of an individual, it is expected that the same individual is accountable to his community. Modern individuals tend to regard oneself as an individual with an understanding that one exists as a separate entity though from a community. This has made it necessary for individuals to ensure comfortability with an idea of having a different opinion from a different group or community they might belong to. An individual is reported to be more comfortable working with other individuals who posses an individual accountability background than their counterparts with a community accountability framework. Personally, I tend to think, individuals should attain balance in accountability just by the mere reason one belongs to a community, and without the community it is impossible to stand alone. Individual accountability causes reduction in performance since an individual does not encounter external pressure and therefore there is a tendency to be comfortable and relaxed as compared to community accountability. Community accountability has a way of measuring and trigger performance of an individual protecting them from making expensive mistakes which makes an individual neutral on the accountability sector (The Cultural Dimension Results Supporting file, pdf).                                                               

Hofstede Assignment


This is my question 

1- Did you expect this result or did it come different to what you have expected?

 Reem’s answer

  • yes , because almost the results I expected such us Achieved and Directive .

Tahani’s answer

  • yes it was totally different from what I expected but it’s fine I’m comfortable and it was very useful for me to see results which gave me the opportunity to know my strength and weakness.

2- Do you think that the relationship is important in decision-making?

Reem’s answer

  • I think the relationship important in decision making because that will give you experience that will lead some challenging situations.

Tahani’s answer

  • yes, I see that the relationship is important in making decisions because it’s a really bad if you affect your family or friends if you make a decision that they will be effect in bad way for them but in some situations you must take the right choice and right decision.

3- Are you with informal context or with or with formal context?

Reem’s answer

  • I’m with informal context because I like open environment. Casual and valuing different more than conformity that make me feel more comfortable.

Tahani’s answer

  • I’m with formal context and I tend to feel most comfortable in environment that is formal and I must learned to appreciate those who value a more informal . My scorer was “2”.

Children’s Stories Worldview

The Gruffalo 


Power vs. fear

The mouse Intimidate the animals by using the power fear of Gruffalo. Mouse do that to eat their food with no sharing. And when the mouse meet the Gruffalo they make him scared of him, when the Gruffalo goes after the mouse he notice that the animals scare and run away when they saw the mouse, but actually they run because of the Gruffalo. The mouse exploits the fear of the Gruffalo to scare the animals and they fright the Gruffalo too.

Alvie eats soup 


Shame vs. honor

Alvie is eating only soup while his grandmother is global chef, so their parents were shamed because of that. She was always sending food to their family and the parents thank her and tell her that Alvie like their cook. One day she decide to visit them and the parents frightened hey starting feeding Alvie different kind of food but he refused, because grandma will know that Alvie doesn’t eat any thing except soup.and they order a lot of food to hide Alvie. But when she comes they surprised that she eats only one type of food, which is peas.

Robot racer 


Guilt vs. innocent

Guilt was shown clearly in Tanktop, he was cheating and put the other competitors at risk to win the race, while squeaky do their best to win. At the end Tanktop lose the race because of his guilty even he make many tricks to win and squeaky win because their wheel reach before him when Tanktop broken it.

Indian Papadum


Papadum or Papad: is a thin, crisp disc-shaped Indian and Pakistani food.

Papadums are typically served as an accompaniment to a meal in India, or as snack, sometimes with toppings such as chopped onions, chopped carrot, chutneys or other dips and condiments.


Black gram flour is mixed with black pepper, salt and then mixture is kneaded together. A well-kneaded mixture is then flattened into thin rounds and kept for sun drying. Once dried, papad can be stored for later consumption.

Papad is often associated with the empowerment of women in India. Many individual and organized businesses run by women produce papad, pickles, and other snacks. This provides them regular income from minimal financial investments.

Japanese Traditional Clothes


The kimono

The kimono is a long robe. It is made of either silk, cotton or a synthetic material. Traditionally, the fabric of a kimono would have represented a degree of wealth, with the more expensive kimono being made of silk. Synthetic materials were very rare when kimonos were commonly worn. Cotton would have been the least expensive material. The kimono is bound with a sash called an obi. Kimonos have a basic shape, which is always the same. In addition, kimonos are nearly all the same size, irrespective of who will be wearing it. This means that the fabric that is going to be used to make a kimono can be precut and rolled into a standard length

How to wear a kimono

The process of getting dressed when wearing a kimono is quite complicated. The first layer that is worn is a cotton robe. Waist padding is put on to make the body look flat, which is the fashion. This requires a number of strategically placed belts to keep everything in place. Then the outer kimono is put on. The obi, the long sash, is then wrapped around the body and finally secured. The skirt of a kimono is very tight, which means that the person wearing it can only take very small steps.

Men also wear kimonos. These are more like a top than the women’s long, dress-like kimono. The men wear their much shorter kimono over wide trousers that have pleats. These are called hakama. When the men dress in this traditional way the most common colours worn are black, blue or grey.

Cultural Misunderstanding

Dialogue – Expression

Jasmin: Did you hear the girls shouting in the other classroom? They must be fighting over something.

Aysha: Don’t worry about it. I am sure they are only discussing the trip.

Jasmin: Oh well, you know them better.

Aysha: You’re still new here. It’s normal to behave like this here. You should wait until you learn our language; it’ll make it easier for you.


According to my asnwer I got 9 point in Guilt vs Innocence , the reason behind getting the highest point in G/I is I think befor Making my Decisions by whether it’s right or rong and I feel guilty if Somthing wrong happen .

In my opinion the percent of the Color mix in HCT is ..

1- Guilt vs Innocence 20% .

Because I think all the girls focus on what are right or wrong maybe they just make sure that every thing is done and they know the  policy  of the college.

2- Power vs Fear 45% .

Because the college has a strict rule all the student know about it for example the GPA or attendance.

3- Honor vs Shame 35% .

Because most of the girls ask about other girls family and how are they related.

Words Definition


1- Universal : something done by group of people or things in the world .

2- Material : its an ideas or information that help to creat something. 

3- Situationalmanner of being situated.

4- Accountability: the fact of being accountable.

5- Destinysomething that is meant to happen to a particular person or thing.

6- Context: the setting of a word.

7- Ascribe: to give a credit for something to a specific cause or a person.

8- Conceal:  hide, not allowed to be seen .

9- Directed:  guided or managed .

10- Directive : an official instruction.